i think when i was outside this morning i accidentally eat small bug. i have drawn a bee. his name is bunion.
Archive for March, 2009
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009hodgehodge
Sunday, March 29th, 2009i saw one on the way home last night. it was squeaking when it moved. probably needed axle greasing, but unfortunately i had no butter with me.
natural cosmetics
Thursday, March 26th, 2009it is a well known fact that eating a lot of oranges makes you turn orange. it is a little known fact that other fruits also share this remarkable property. try eating a few strawberries for the appearance of a healthy glow, or overripe bananas for an eco-friendly alternative to an artificial tan! green grapes or apples will make you look like an alien, perfect for a fancy dress party. blueberries will give an alternative look, excellent for drawing attention to yourself, while lemons will enable you to take sick leave under the guise of suffering from jaundice.
important new developments in the potato field
Sunday, March 22nd, 2009me and a friend collaborator but not in the soviet sense made a highly regarded academic paper.
here it is:
mountains are dangerous
Saturday, March 14th, 2009mountains are dangerous. all sorts of bad things happen. the man who is in the balloon was flying, but now he is falling. one man was gliding with a parachute, but now he is upside down. one has climbed all the way to the top. he has run out of floor to put his feet on, and the sun is so close it is burning the top of his head. another one was trying to reach the top, but he has been swallowed by a snowball and is being rapidly returned to sea level by the mountain and gravity. the last man is being chased by a highland grue and will probably be eaten. mountains are bad, stay away from them.
Saturday, March 14th, 2009cloud race
Thursday, March 12th, 2009interactive blodgett!
Sunday, March 8th, 2009blodgett2.0
Sunday, March 8th, 2009i have a new kernel. apparently.
saying things again
Saturday, March 7th, 2009some words it is good to say again after you have said them. you must say a word the correct number of times only, otherwise it sounds wrong and your leg might fall off or something equally bad. the number is often two or four, but it depends on the word. some common words are listed here:
yup yup
good good
yah yah yah yah yah
there are also some exceptions. ‘dooooo’ and ‘laaa’ for instance can be of variable length and thus have varying repetition properties, much like the transition metals.