mystery font

have just noticed that blodg title looks different font. more curly. need to investigate what has effected this change!

ooh. current time is palindrome! 6:19:16 pm

oh wait. not anymore. maybe it’s dinnerfood time

UPDATE!! i think it was because i was on different computer

7 Responses to “mystery font”

  1. Cakesniffer says:

    Looks same as usual here

  2. Cakesniffer says:

    Oh! Here at work it is different!

  3. doik says:

    from ur css:

    h1, h2, h3 {
    font-family: ‘Trebuchet MS’, ‘Lucida Grande’, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
    font-weight: bold;

  4. blodgett says:

    ohhh… so it can choose? at random?

  5. doik says:

    is preference sequence. if first not available, goto second, if not second, goto third, if not third, then use default.

    reckon everything in ms comic would be great.

  6. blodgett says:

    hate ms comic. clown font. hate clowns

  7. blodgett says:

    actually that’s slightly a lie. am overall ambivalent towards clowns