blodgett learns a word

blodgett has a rug, and noticed yesterday that the label identified its constituents in many languages (see photo).



in particular, blodgett noticed that the german is ‘Baumwolle’. this was temporarily quite confusing, as blodgett had heretofore believed that the word Baum in german meant Sheep. (because, it looks a bit like fat sheeps.) blodgett was picturing this



but rug made of cotton wolle, not sheep wolle! so this was wrong. blodgett looks up the word Baum. Baum means Tree!
so blodgett sees now this



much better

7 Responses to “blodgett learns a word”

  1. doik says:

    i like pamut best. pah-moot.

  2. Cakesniffer says:

    There’s an imposter in that cottonsheep tree! :o

  3. blodgett says:

    > There’s an imposter in that cottonsheep tree! :o


  4. blodgett says:

    > i like pamut best. pah-moot.

    moot is good

  5. Cakesniffer says:

    > where?

    Third sheep from left look a bit suspicious.

  6. blodgett says:

    > Third sheep from left look a bit suspicious.

    no, blodgett not see this. maybe nick should try rotating picture to the right?

  7. […] (as previously illustrated) […]

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