also did see a vehicle of special magnificence! blodgett presents…….
:D :D
one may, should one desire, read a different post of blodgett’s every day for a leap year. hee hee :D
blodgett goes travelling tomorrow, but its tiny case was in need of repair! two bolts needed replacing, one had nut, one was riveted but now borked (and bolt lost). that one solved with spare bolt from ikea furniture and squeezygluuuuuuu!
t’other a bit more troublesome, as suitcase wall around old washer had crumbled, thus larger washer was required. blodgett not have large washer! :O fortunately it found perfect substitute….
blodgett’s current favourite drink!
1. put LARGE teaspoon of honey into mug
2. dissolve into about 1/2 mug of boiling water
3. top up avec apple juice
dear blodg
today blodgett is disgruntled as it woke up at 7am to work early (needs to leave early). network fileshares are down, blodgett has no files, blodgett could have slept one hour and a half longer (and counting) with no loss in productivity (except blodg post). GRUMPY >:(
in other news, was a rly cute tractorg outside blodgett’s window last week, but don’t think it saw blodgett. maybe it will be here again today! hopes.
also yestertag was good, was in large hall with smooth floor and played a LOT of run-run-run-sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide. alas discovered later this result in matching holes on blodgett’s best rainbow-stripy socks. nevermind….
hungry now. blodgett goes to find snackfood
blodgett realised today, its favourite verb probably roll
sudden desire for chicken nuggets
what to doooooooooooooooooo?
i like it