extending moore’s law

so blodgett was thinking that it would quite like to have a tiny cow that followed it around. however, current (known) cows are too large for blodgett’s purposes. we thus propose to apply moore’s law to cows (and possibly pigs), i.e. blodgett assert that the number of cows one may comfortably fit on an ic should double every 2 years.


current state of the art

ahem. we continue the taxonomy of cow miniaturisation.


intermediate 'straddle' phase


the CoaC, 'cow on a chip', or 'unit cow'

moo moo

you have 2 cows

moo moo moo moo

probably ideal pet size

mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu


moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo

nanocows, the theoretical upper bound (disputed)

blodgett awaits 2018 with great anticipation.

3 Responses to “extending moore’s law”

  1. cakesniffer says:

    Does the CoaC run HURD?

  2. blodgett says:

    FNOOL! nothing runs hurd!

  3. a blodg says:

    […] so apparently there existed prior art for this notion: http://blodgett.doof.me.uk/2010/12/12/extending-moores-law/ […]

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