moor glooop

blodgett almost made a recipe originally glommed from sainsbury! alas cannot currently find it online. eat it with breadandbutterfood

tuning parameters and suggested values:
oil for to fry
3 cloves garlic
1 can aduki beans
1 can black eye beans
1 can tomato beans
1 large onion
1 large courgette
3 carrots
1 small lettuce or cabbage leaffoods (blodgett used little gem)
black pepper
1 vegetable stock cube
1 cow stock cube
hot water
handful of macaroni food
100g chorizo sausagefoods
1 LARGE saucepan

010 CUT everything into bits (may be handled concurrently with FRY)
020 FRY garlic and onion till brown or soft or impatient
030 FRY carrot a few minutes
040 FRY courgette
050 FRY chorizo
060 RINSE beans
070 APPEND herbs and pepper and beans and tomatoes and stock cubes and hot water to saucepan contents
080 BOIL 30 mins
090 APPEND macaronifoods and leaffoods
100 BOIL 15 mins

gloooooop x about 6 people
-1hr time

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