Archive for the ‘blodgett’ Category
Tuesday, August 12th, 2014squirtling
Monday, August 11th, 2014salient part of this vital news item is at the very end…
– Closely related to vertebrates, in their larval stage sea squirts look like tadpoles and swim around
– But once they find an appropriate rock to attach to, they metamorphose into something resembling a brightly-coloured vegetable
…– Having committed themselves to this life of tedium, they also digest their redundant brains
Saturday, August 9th, 2014not weat
Thursday, August 7th, 2014unfortunately blodgett’s peaceful agrarian existence recently disrupted by both planned and unplanned maintenance.
all back to normal now though, and grains have been harvested! turns out they were barley.
will probably reattempt this growing with more accurate guidelines. overall yield almost exactly what blodgett planted! rinse and repeat.
in particular, blodgett will plant grains less densely: more germinated than expected, much fell over due to combined efforts of heavy rain and neighbourhood cat, and could not stand up again.
harvesting information was obtained here; blodgett prefers this source due to “small sample” recommendation:
Thursday, May 8th, 2014nice photos:
awesome photos:
photo tips:
world class entertainment
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014“Constantly mocked by the islanders, who call him Cripple Billy, he survives the tedium of daily life by reading books and staring at cows.”
indeed, blodgett could happily occupy much time regarding cows.
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014uncertain what is occurring here