at 3:19
blodgett gifting musica. also another birthtag
blodgett have added a new hophop to its bug collection:
blodgett today saw the most amazing contraption the world has yet devised:
(note: used
ffmpeg -r 16 -b 4000k -i uni%3d.jpg uni16.mp4
eggsperiment: clouuds
used ffmpeg to convert 90 photos called ‘clouds01.jpg’ –> ‘clouds90.jpg’ at 3fps:
ffmpeg -r 3 -b 1000k -i clouds%2d.jpg clouds.mp4
(had help with this at:
blodgett today recalled the existence of cheese in a tube, under various names and guises. blodgett proposes that the general concept be henceforth named ‘squeso’
all in favour say ‘aye’