rosie and blodgett and misc friend made a hat!
it is small! it has a label! label is small!
there were going to be stars on hat cone but they didn’t stick :'(
rosie and blodgett and misc friend made a hat!
it is small! it has a label! label is small!
there were going to be stars on hat cone but they didn’t stick :'(
unfortunately blodgett’s peaceful agrarian existence recently disrupted by both planned and unplanned maintenance.
all back to normal now though, and grains have been harvested! turns out they were barley.
will probably reattempt this growing with more accurate guidelines. overall yield almost exactly what blodgett planted! rinse and repeat.
in particular, blodgett will plant grains less densely: more germinated than expected, much fell over due to combined efforts of heavy rain and neighbourhood cat, and could not stand up again.
harvesting information was obtained here; blodgett prefers this source due to “small sample” recommendation:
blodgett has extended its flowerbed! but now the sad and dreary period of waiting for the seeds to hatch :(
blodgett sure you will all be delighted to know original flowerbed did develop excellent worm/sq.m. ratio.
must however confess that post-extension the number of worm may have increased/decreased due to indiscriminate sod-smashing
trowel is an excellent word
blodgett has a pull-cord light switch which stopped working. this was awkward, so blodgett dismantled it to investigate!
pull cord switches same as clicky pens inside, and rotation toggles which pair of contacts are connected.
safety precautions taken, turning off light circuit before meddling commenced!
as light switch is now working, blodgett determined that some combination of the following helped:
1) disconnecting and reconnecting the wires into the contacts
2) blue-tacking the contacts into the base
3) covering the contacts and screws with electrical tape to stop stuff shorting when it was crammed back into the casing
4) adding a bit of solder to the rotating end contacts in case they had worn too far down
5) tightening the connections
6) removing the dead woodlouse