on the whole, blodgett rarely envious of other language words. but may have to make an exception.
on the whole, blodgett rarely envious of other language words. but may have to make an exception.
hard work recently for blodgett the manufacturer of cards! many birthtags. and many babies for that matter. hmm. blodgett forsees this birthday collision problem worsening in future years.
blodgett tried making an opening out card. think it worked quite well
sleepy now. will sort out remainder later
fisher’s original article on linear discriminants was published in the Annals of Eugenics
blodgett is learning to type via the medium of parachuting sheeps:
today blodgett discovered that glass jar with plastic lid not watertight, actually.
blodgett rather likes these
blodgett was reading this:
it says that people investigate these gases hopefully for fuel sources. blodgett considered this, and worried slightly that strategy of burning everything that can lay hands on may not be good long term…
blodgett wants to eat things. but is already full up. trials of life eh