>> isinteger(1)
ans =
>> isinteger(1)
ans =
blodgett updates operating system of its computorg. room is warm.
*work refers not necessarily to the blodgett
blodgett wants its turn at designing creatures. but these ones are pretty good:
blodgett said wow
today blodgett read instructive article, its english so cute!
excerpt for you here from abstract:
“Most of them, however, are redundant or irrelevant, and their existence may straightly lead to poor performance of learning algorithms. Hence, it is a compelling requisition for their practical applications to choose most salient features.”
straightly! :D blodgett thinks it hasn’t read this outside of austen.
cannot find good free copy (this seems best but may be temporary:
other favourite part:
“Unfortunately, no systematic study has been conducted on the reliability and effectiveness of these [technique]s and the multitudinous algorithms will bewilder practitioners.”
ohnoes! the poor bewildered practitioners :(
plus bonus points for casual reference to miners! read all about it eh
this dinnerfood employs a cheesefood item in a paquet which look like this:
1 lump of butterfood
3 large leeks
6 slices of baconfood
75-100g roule quesofood
maybe bit of milk
1 frying pan into which these items will fit all at once
to manufacture:
1. wash and slice leeks
2. melt butter in frying pan, fry leeks
2a. while leeks fry cut up bacon
3. when leeks are soft add little baconfoods and fry them also
4. when all are fried add quesofood and mix in well
5. thin out sauce with milk and water as you like it
6. all done!
blodgett reckons it best with pastafoods, but does not deny there may be other good things upon which to pour this sludge
blodgett have been putting its nose close to the world to get a better look.
here it is:
will maybe add more later