blodgett determined that it did not wish people to trample muddy outerfeets inside its residence. it decided to make a marking to indicate to its visitors the expected placement of their outerfeets for the duration of their stay.
feets and where to put them
March 6th, 2010clod
March 2nd, 2010less than 4 weeks till summer! :D
identifying creatures
March 1st, 2010cakebox
March 1st, 2010do want
March 1st, 2010squeeeee
March 1st, 2010ruby can index strings by regexp! blodgett LIIIIKES IT :D
irb(main):001:0> 'number 123 yah yah yah yah yah'[/\d+/]
=> "123"
excellent problem solving skills
February 26th, 2010blodgett commend to you this man:
fine art
February 23rd, 2010blodgett have some artwork to recommend to you at this time!
TODAY blodgett is eating…
February 22nd, 2010blodgett made a well easy food item. instructions follow:
1 can peeled tomatoes
2 can kidney beans
8 sausages
3 small onions (or moar if like onion)
1 stock cube
3 medium carrots (moar if like carrot)
1 large pan into which may be placed all of the above requirements simultaneously
1. cut sausages into nommable chunks, chop onions
2. fry both of them in pan until cooked and onion nicenbrown
2a. while waiting for step 2 chop carrots and open cans, rinse gunk off kidney beans
3. when step 2 done, add carrots, crumble in stock cube, add contents of cans
4. rinse tomato can juice in with about half can of water, and smallen tomatoes if necessary
5. bubble until cooked, add moar water if needed
6. consume, possibly with pastafood or potatofood
pancake day
February 21st, 2010on tuestag it was pancake day! blodgett made 8 pancakes but consumed only 7. the remaining pancake blodgett carefully dried and preserved for later scientific examination. it now present to you results of rigorous analysis.
note on general methodology: pancake drying reached steady state by fritag, but was kept under observation for a further 2 days in case of surprises
evidence 1:
observation 1: entirety of pancake warped, note well that there are FIVE (5) raised edge sections.
conclusion 1: all pancakes inherently desire to be pentagons.
evidence 2:
observation 2: some parts of pancake wrinkled up. is common knowledge that fingers and toes wrinkle up in the bath.
conclusion 2: all pancakes inherently desire to be in the bath.
evidence 3:
observation 3: edges are highly crispy.
conclusion 3: all pancakes inherently desire to be crisps.
blodgett thus present what is theorised to be the happiest pancake in the world!