blodgett have completed work on a most useful utility, it determine which of your pictures are most green.
vague apologies this amazing feature currently *nix-only as blodgett rather lazy with file paths
cods they are here:
to use:
0) save script to disk, e.g. into home directory
1) open terminal
2) type without the quote marks the following:
“python [image folder] [output folder]”
where the part [image folder] should be replaced by the path to the image folder you want scanned
and [output folder] should be replaced by the name of the folder you want the results in.
note! all subdirectories of [image folder] also searched!
for example, say blodgett has pictures in
and wants to put the sorted ones into a folder called ‘green’ in its home directory. blodgett would type:
python pictures/artwork green
whereupon the folder called green would be magically created and filled with artworks, greenest first! yay!