tautology: n. A statement to which one may reasonably respond with ‘well, DUH’.
‘man is bald and has no hair!’
‘well, DUH’
tautology: n. A statement to which one may reasonably respond with ‘well, DUH’.
‘man is bald and has no hair!’
‘well, DUH’
blodgett was reducing the quantities required in a recipe to 2/5ths of original. this is tedious. fortunately blodgett uses scm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_(programming_language)) as its calculator. this makes things less tedious.
> (define (squish amt) (* 2 (/ amt 5))
> (map squish '(600 750 200 300))
(240 300 80 120)
was investigating international conference on pattern recognition next year, called icpr.
blodgett observed that icpr is held in even numbered years only. but wait! what else does blodgett observe?
there nonetheless exist a mysterious icpr2009! further investigation warranted, and joyously rewarded!
icpr 2009 was EIGHTH international conference on pig reproduction! clearly much novel informations are being rapidly discovered. for those unable to make the glorious moot itself, proceedings available to purchase online:
friend nick did also observe the essential accompanying text ‘perfecting the pig environment’ (“for students and those professionals who choose to work at the sharp end of the pig industry”):
this did confuse blodgett a little, as there does not generally seem to be any sharp end to a pig.
someone made wonderful suggestion that was rejected :(
more than half the weight of pyrex glass is oxygen
blodgett has a rug, and noticed yesterday that the label identified its constituents in many languages (see photo).
in particular, blodgett noticed that the german is ‘Baumwolle’. this was temporarily quite confusing, as blodgett had heretofore believed that the word Baum in german meant Sheep. (because, it looks a bit like fat sheeps.) blodgett was picturing this
but rug made of cotton wolle, not sheep wolle! so this was wrong. blodgett looks up the word Baum. Baum means Tree!
so blodgett sees now this
much better
blodgett did patch its gom toy
is new one here:
is old instructions here: