alas still 39 cartons of juice short of a picnic ;)
blodgett prepares to wait out the apocalypse
August 22nd, 2009card reader
August 22nd, 2009my card reader has a happy face! also a bindi apparently
tubes! tubes!
August 22nd, 2009blodgett have relocated once more. current residence is now equipped with intertubes! recommence blodging! :D
August 2nd, 2009blodgett have discovered what is possibly the best food in the world – cheese with taste of bacon! :D :D
(also known as oak-smoke cheddar from sainsbury cheese counter)
ha ha prunes
July 30th, 2009ha ha face
July 30th, 2009thing with face!:
is so happy! i like it
July 25th, 2009i was in the garten today. took some photos. and then remembered other garten!
yah yah yah yah yah
oh and photos here:
~*guest blodg doubl whammy*~
July 25th, 2009Drunk on powerrrr. Im in ur blodg stealin ur postzzzzz.