another reason to hate python

someone made wonderful suggestion that was rejected :(

7 Responses to “another reason to hate python”

  1. cakesniffer says:

    Pfft. Python should learn from proper languages which support this useful feature. Common Lisp, for example.

    In fact, CL supports /two/ different types of Roman numerals – i.e. can write 9 as IV or IIII:

    [5]> (format t “~@r” 2009)
    [6]> (format t “~:@r” 2009)

  2. cakesniffer says:

    Lolz – posted that before I read the rest of the linked article which mentions LISP-envy :p

  3. doik says:

    i wonder why people don’t extend the 0x like syntax more. it seems perfectly natural to have 0xA, 0rX, and 0b1010 all be 10.

  4. cakesniffer says:

    IIRC Ada lets you use any base between 2-32 e.g. 10#10#, 2#1010#, 16#A#, 11#A#, etc.

  5. cakesniffer says:

    Took a long time to reply to that! Ada has some very useful features…

  6. blodgett says:

    was looking for something useful but found this instead