yah yah yah yah yah
additionally, blodgett has been so fortunate as to receive numerous giftings which it will now proceed to describe in mind-numbing detail, mainly for its own amusement.
regard! the gifties in question:
a: blodgett receives penguin! moreover, penguin is squishable! this will enable blodgett to safely diffuse any fits of rage in which it might find itself
b: some amazing wooden blocks all stuck together can be twuzzled into manymany shapes
c: mmmmmm chocolades. blodgett used to take one a day of a vitamin pill selected at random, but this has lately been eclipsed by one a day of small chocolate spheres. this apparently impart the same health benefits, so it can be concluded that the important part is one of something each day
d: leeeeetle monkeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is happpeeeeeeee :D
e: knitted items to keep blodgett’s hands warm during its toil
f: excitement! an electrical device for cleaning one’s teeth! upon further inspection, it appears to be curiously inefficient: 16 hours of charging permits 20 minutes of use. this seems suboptimal. have anyone else a device with similar characteristics?
Those mitts look good! Maybe toothbrush is super-powerful operating at 1000 RPM meaning use for only 30s per brush is acceptable?
alas a brushing time of at least 2 minutes must be observed, enforced by a built-in timer that is also the on/off button
i thought this might limit the life of your toothbrush due to the high charge cycle. but actually it seems fine: the battery should last over 10 years, though not knowing more details of battery this could be a slight over estimate. less than graham’s number though.
i suppose the worst thing is that you will be forced to take a 16 hour break between brushing teeth for it to charge, every 5 days. do not know about blodgett but this would make a rather good excuse for a lie in :D once a week typically though there will be special weeks (like blue moon) where you get two.
where is gift from splodget???? :(
it currently downstairs! need to examine case as may have suffered from squishing during transportation