TODAY blodgett is eating…

blodgett made a well easy food item. instructions follow:

1 can peeled tomatoes
2 can kidney beans
8 sausages
3 small onions (or moar if like onion)
1 stock cube
3 medium carrots (moar if like carrot)

1 large pan into which may be placed all of the above requirements simultaneously

1. cut sausages into nommable chunks, chop onions
2. fry both of them in pan until cooked and onion nicenbrown
2a. while waiting for step 2 chop carrots and open cans, rinse gunk off kidney beans
3. when step 2 done, add carrots, crumble in stock cube, add contents of cans
4. rinse tomato can juice in with about half can of water, and smallen tomatoes if necessary
5. bubble until cooked, add moar water if needed
6. consume, possibly with pastafood or potatofood


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