blodgett is growing things in its garden!
Archive for the ‘photo’ Category
Saturday, January 9th, 2010star
Friday, January 8th, 2010blodgett had some christmas wrappings left over! decided to make a rly FAT paper star so cut the end off a roll of wrapping. this resulted in a paper approx. 5cm wide by 2 metres long which blodgett folded all up into star shape.
here is result shown with a deformed chicken for scale:
crafty blodgett
Monday, January 4th, 2010merry new year
Sunday, January 3rd, 2010yah yah yah yah yah
additionally, blodgett has been so fortunate as to receive numerous giftings which it will now proceed to describe in mind-numbing detail, mainly for its own amusement.
regard! the gifties in question:
a: blodgett receives penguin! moreover, penguin is squishable! this will enable blodgett to safely diffuse any fits of rage in which it might find itself
b: some amazing wooden blocks all stuck together can be twuzzled into manymany shapes
c: mmmmmm chocolades. blodgett used to take one a day of a vitamin pill selected at random, but this has lately been eclipsed by one a day of small chocolate spheres. this apparently impart the same health benefits, so it can be concluded that the important part is one of something each day
d: leeeeetle monkeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is happpeeeeeeee :D
e: knitted items to keep blodgett’s hands warm during its toil
f: excitement! an electrical device for cleaning one’s teeth! upon further inspection, it appears to be curiously inefficient: 16 hours of charging permits 20 minutes of use. this seems suboptimal. have anyone else a device with similar characteristics?
Sunday, December 20th, 2009snow is quiet and sneaky. blodgett only realised there has been more snow as it can no longer see out of the roof
in other news, a short promenade into town resulted in 377 mb of photo.
processed version has been placed here:
Friday, December 18th, 2009update on snow situation! there is more of it!
blodgett have photographed things with snow on them. to view these items, click here:
in particular blodgett likes chimneys:
il neige
Thursday, December 17th, 2009yay for chocobo!
Sunday, December 13th, 2009.02% very important
Sunday, December 13th, 2009blodgett learns a word
Saturday, December 5th, 2009blodgett has a rug, and noticed yesterday that the label identified its constituents in many languages (see photo).
in particular, blodgett noticed that the german is ‘Baumwolle’. this was temporarily quite confusing, as blodgett had heretofore believed that the word Baum in german meant Sheep. (because, it looks a bit like fat sheeps.) blodgett was picturing this
but rug made of cotton wolle, not sheep wolle! so this was wrong. blodgett looks up the word Baum. Baum means Tree!
so blodgett sees now this
much better