this is plouffe. is a rabbit.
October 10th, 2009parcelforce are scum
October 9th, 2009to be sung to the tune of ‘parcelforce are scum’
parcelforce are scum, are scum, are scum
rotten little scum, on the surface of a pond
stinking in the sun, in the sun, in the sun
blodgett want to sink them to the bottom of the pond
for next year…
October 8th, 2009sadly blodgett has discovered festivities too late to participate this time. but looks forward!
scroll down for multi-lingual bacon
baby pictures!
October 7th, 2009blodgett finds friends
October 7th, 2009exist kindred spirits:
also cute noise:
EDIT: walrus dance so awsum! :D
exciting normal stuff!!one
October 7th, 2009pigjob!
October 6th, 2009blodgett have submitted pigjob! what will pig do?! regard to twitter of pig to find out!
like the pig? submit job to mechanical pig ici:
informations on pig language previously featured here:
blodgett waxes peckish
October 5th, 2009dreams of little pizzas. maybe is time for tea
crate zoom squeeee!
September 29th, 2009curses
September 28th, 2009a PLAGUE on IMPENETRABLE food wrappings! >:(