end of the world tomorrow!

May 20th, 2011

and an excellent introduction to an article:

Judgment Day is coming this Saturday, May 21, beginning at 6 p.m., according to Harold Camping, the president of the Christian broadcaster Family Radio. Could he be wrong?


contemporaneous bearding!

May 16th, 2011


to the cookie laboratory!

May 15th, 2011

background version here:
(reload address to see, apparently funny about direct linking)


complicated counting

May 14th, 2011


round and pop

May 12th, 2011

blodgett was considering balloon today, and has come to the opinion that it probably ok to spell it with twice of all the letters




May 12th, 2011

arg blodgett just tried to Ctrl-S something it wrote on a piece of paper. need to stop typing for a while


May 9th, 2011

at weekend blodgett boiled lemons in its kettle for to remove the limescale. now all its hot water tastes faintly lemony. rather nice actually

track the desktop tasks

May 9th, 2011

blodgett likes to expand its activities over multiple desktops, frequently eight at once for maximal efficiency and parallelism. problem occurs that mental effort must be expended then to track these, which is agitating. blodgett prefers minimal thinking and would like to label or otherwise notate desktops. gnome workspace labels in task switcher too small, too awkward to adjust, and too gnome-specific. zenity to the rescue!

blodgett has made script task-label which opens small dialogue for task annotation, can leave on desktop for reminder of current task and progress. closing dialogue on completion of task logs description to file with timestamp. success! :D

zenity --text-info --title="current task" --editable --width=280 --height=180 >> $taskFile
echo >> $taskFile
echo -n "quit on " >> $taskFile
date >> $taskFile
echo >> $taskFile

works from custom launcher on gnome taskbar (with icon /usr/share/icons/Tango/scalable/apps/gnome-session.svg), and from metacity keybinding. ok back to work

cleaning home

May 9th, 2011

blodgett did work very hard at cleaning friend’s home yestertag. virtuous deed for the year is complete!

also following events of http://blodgett.doof.me.uk/2011/03/29/home-card/ blodgett did accidentally put the home cart through a 40 degree wash cycle. happily still functions as intended

diagnosing cloud

April 28th, 2011

oooooo, blodgett do want!